All of the below resources are mentioned in my writings and aim to serve you on your inside-out well-being journey. I have personally used these resources myself, and I am not receiving any benefit from these sources. I hope these empower you on your journey!

Dimensions of Wellness PDF

Rate Your Dimensions of Wellness

Assessment Tests

Social Fitness Test

How strong are your relationships? Answer these 10 questions to find out.


Animal in You

Discover your animal personality

Types of Intelligence

Discover which type of multiple intelligence describes you the best.

Character Strengths - VIA Institute on Character

Character Strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave. Scientists have identified 24 character strengths that you have the capacity to express. By taking the VIA Survey you will discover your unique profile of strengths. Knowing and applying your highest character strengths is the key to you being your best self. 

16 Personalities

A Personality Test to get a description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.

Enneagram Personality Test

This free Enneagram personality test will show you which of the 9 personality types suit you best. See how you score for all 9 Enneagram types, and understand where you fit in the Enneagram personality system.

Are You a Perfectionist?

A quick 10 question test to see if you have perfectionist tendencies.


Values Navigator Worksheet

Anxiety, depression, and career burnout can often be the result of living in a way that is out of sync with your fundamental principles and values. By identifying, prioritizing, and evaluating your life against your principles, you can discover the root causes of challanges you’re facing, and develop solutions that will help align your values with your day-to-day activities.

TED Talk - The surprising science of happiness


The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want

This book tells us salary goals rise as salary rises.

The American Paradox: Spiritual Hunger in an Age of Plenty

This book tells us, “our becoming much better off over the last four decades has not been accompanied by one iota of increased subjective well-being.”

Money and happiness: Income and subjective well-being across nations

This book excerpt correlates life satisfaction with income across countries (hint: it is not a strong relationship).

The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want

A great introduction to work in positive psychology and a practical guide to using this work in your daily life.

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness 

A nice introduction to the science of behavior changes and how we can work with some of the glitches of our own minds.

The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don't Need

This book tells us watching television programs act as a harmful social comparison and increases spending - you can also read an excerpt from the introduction here

Stumbling on Happiness

This book states, “wonderful things are especially wonderful the first time they happen, but their wonderfulness wanes with repetition”.

Thinking Fast and Slow 

A fantastic review of work in behavioral decision-making.

Thanks! The New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier 

A nice introduction to the work on gratitude and happiness.